Friday, July 27, 2012

Our Product Line & Target Market

We offer 2 main types of products in our line:

1) Plant-based surface cleaner
-                  Purpose: to clean the dirt/debris buildup on the surface of the solar module
2) Plant-based surface wax protector
-                  Purpose: to protect your modules from climate weathering/corrosion and maintain the cleanliness of your modules so they run at highest efficiency
o   Humid climate (protects surface from dirt/dust/debris buildup)
o   Desert climate (keeps surface cool and prevents overheating)
o   Rain/snow climate (keeps surface water resistant)

Our Market:

Our products are available for a variety of customers. For home owners that want to to clean their panels themselves, we offer them at retail price directly through us. We also sell in bulk to stores such as Home Depot and online solar companies like We have discount pricing for solar  installers like Solar City and Varengo. These companies are our biggest clients, they apply the protectant cleaners on the panels for their clients after installation. Then they recommend their clients to purchase our products for cleaning and maintenance.

We sponsor Grid Alternatives, which is a nonprofit organization that installs solar systems on low income homes. We give our products to them for an exclusive discounted price. In turn, Grid Alternatives teaches these home owners about the importance of maintaining the cleanliness of their panels, therefore recommending them to buy our products. We will also be sponsoring Grid Alternative's biggest fundraiser "Solarthon." Solarthon brings together hundreds of individual, team, and corporate sponsors; job trainees; and the homeowners themselves to install solar systems on the homes of as many as 16 families with low incomes in a single neighborhood all in one day.

We are currently in the growth phase. Global Solar Panels Products are one of a kind, and we hardly have any competition. Our market is continuing to grow.


  1. This is good to know. I had been wondering if you were just a service or would be providing products to businesses and homeowners. It is also nice to here that you sponsor other organizations. That always make a business look good, reliable, and successful. But I do not know if it is a good thing that you do not have competition, that may show that the services and products that you provide are not on high demand.

    1. We mainly offer the products, but if you are within our service area, we can come to you!

  2. That is great, the more people know the better. Especially the low income homes, they would benefit from the nonprofit organization. The more we switch to green energy the more less dependent we become from other sources.

  3. Recently the US has just imposed a tariff of 31% - 250% on solar panels. This is one of the largest antidumping duties in the history that you may want to consider.
    I read about it here:

    1. We're very aware of this tariff. I think it's terrible. It's one of the worst things that can happen to our industry.

  4. This is a good marketing plan. Since your products are targeted to various types of customers, your company will quickly become aware by more people and hence that can help to gain the market share. My suggestion for your company is to offer a wide variety prices and services to different customers and businesses,which can also give you more advantages.

  5. The two types of your products are service products, aren't they? If so, you did not intend to compete with competitors who importing Chinese made solar panels, didn't you? Good news that the market you choose is new, so you do not have many competitors to deal with.

  6. Great idea sponsoring grid alternatives. Possibly you could have demonstrations teaching people how to use your product. If people see the difference they may be more likely to buy your product.

  7. with not much competition in the market you guys should be successful and continue to grow. I like the discount pricing as well people will love that in this economy.

  8. Your sponsoring idea is great and I really think this product will see a lot of growth and success in the coming years due to the lack of competition and need for this kind of great marketing plan

  9. Good job with coming up with that strategy to offer discounts to people with low income. Not only are you offering a way to help them economically, but also help them build knowledge about solar panels.
    I also like the idea of providing cleaning supplies and ways to increase the durability of solar panels. This will increase customer satisfaction in your products.

  10. Good ideas on the product lines. Your Plant-based surface wax protector sounds innovative. Also, as you mention the types of climates that your product can be protected from it will bring a good word mouth from customer to customer. Thus, this will spark interest of your products to other cities or states.

  11. I like the idea of targeting low income, hopefully you guys had a chance to research what is considered low income and how many low income own a home. The service provided looks really good and promising. It is good you are in the growth stage with no competition, but where there is money there will be competition. continue the great service you guys provide for our needs.

  12. The product line is appealing. It appears to be simple. Two products will get the job done? This is great since most people want to use a product that is easy to use and simple to understand. I also like the outline of your target market. Although you will be targeting solar companies, your company will also be reaching out to individual solar panel users. It's like free advertising. Great job!

  13. As with any industry, no competition invites competitors to drive down your profit margins. But, what I think that separates you from potential competition is your level of service and community involvement.

  14. Working directly with the solar panel companies will do you justice for the clientele. Everybody knows how to purchase, but rarely are people intelligent enough to know the upkeep

  15. That is wonderful that you don't have many competitors so you can easily lead the way which is great! I like that your product is readily available online and at retail stores which makes it easier for consumers to get your product.
