Friday, July 20, 2012


The external environment of our product is very specified on what the company has controlled over. The solar panel industry relies on the quantity of solar installations. We realize that it should be in our beneficial condition that every solar system owner’s best interest to own some of our products. Global Sola Panel have a product line that is offered to our customers to help them fix the problem of cleaning their solar panels. Our company have cleaning products and also waxes/polishes that help improve the efficiency of your modules. One of our threat for our company is that  the chinese are importing   solar panel in the US for cheaper so they get a large market share and the US manufacturer of solar panel are getting hurt from it. Our principal strength is that solar panel are growing in market share because of the trend of 2012 that encourages people to be green. So we would target people who already have solar panels installed on their roof. 


  1. Solar panel is one of great product to think of our environment safe. There are many products in using solar panel around us, such as car, house and boiler systems. Their technology is enormous and has potential possibilities.

  2. Solar panels are a good product idea. I was curious, what is the average time to install an average size solar panel?

    1. Hi John, we aren't selling solar installations. Our products are focusing on cleaning solutions. We offer a highly concentrated and very effective cleaner that offers superior results and increases solar panel output and life span.

  3. I did not know that solar panel industry was competitive with the Chinese, that is interesting. Are there any other cleaning companies that you are competing with that may pose as a threat?? Compared to the Chinese what are you advantages in the market? If you are focused solely on the cleaning, what types of products are you offering and are they available for the customer, if they choose to clean the panels themselves?

    I am interested to hearing more about your company!

  4. That's a great idea to improve the existing product. Going along with what we discussed in class, this could take your product when it is reaching maturity and put it back in the growth area. As a consumer I would be much more willing to pay for cleaning products to enhance my solar panel than to purchase a new one.

  5. I am surprised to see that the Chinese importing of these products pose as a threat to your company. I have always thought that solar panels were still quite new to the market. It just shows how quickly products get outsourced and how difficult it is to stay competitive.

    Keep us updated!

  6. So how would you make more competitive than others in the solar panel market since you said the import of Chinese solar panels would hurt your market share?

    I'm also curious that how many types of services your company offer besides cleaning and installing solar panels?

  7. The ability to preserve the solar panels installed will make your products marketable to many. People who have chosen to go solar have invested time and money, and to let these people know their investment can last even longer is reassuring. Also, the market may expand because other consumers may realize the added benefits of solar panels and your company's ability to extend the product's life span.

  8. As you pointed out, it is very hard to compete with Chinese imported solar panels as they can be produced much cheaper in their home country. Therefore, your company should focus on differentiating your products and improving their qualities. Doing so can help your brand stand out in the market. Moreover, try to compete with Chinese imported products on the service such as installing, fixing, maintaining, waxing/polishing and so forth because those services cannot be "imported".

  9. You could maybe create solar panels that are more custom fitting for homes. Solar panels aren't what I say very stylish for people who care, but if you have a special shape, color and mold where its inexpensive, and not noticeable.

  10. Would you also have any connection with Solar Panel companies? Have the service be available to those who purchase Solar Panels, like lets say Orange County Solar Panel, and make your services available for those customers, so the customers would be more inclined to using your service, rather than asking them. Good idea though, clean energy is the way to go

  11. First, it may be a good sign even though is a threat for the company that the Chinese are importing solar panels because it lets you guys know that this market will grow tremendously. Second since they are importing , i think you guys should focus now more on how to differentiate your products, the quality of it, and how to attract more loyal customers.Also, you guys are more ahead of them since you guys are providing maintenance services to your customers.

  12. Solar panels are a tad expensive, but I wouldn't feel threatened by the Chinese. Yes, they are importing at a cheaper price, but are they top quality though? People would choose to purchase from you guys because of the maintenance service and quality that you provide.

  13. I feel your idea is good, but Chinese panels are imported and you need to show differences between your panels and Chinese panels. Besides, price is also one of the competing problem; Chinese goods are cheaper than others which have in the market, so I think you should think about the price of your panels.

  14. I would agree with Korhan. Partnering with established solar panel companies would be easier for customers to purchase your products. For example, my house gets 75% of it's power from solar panels. I am more inclined to purchase a product for my solar panels if I have a recommendation from the installers or manufacturer.

  15. The solar panel ideas are great. I think this is the best time to market solar panels because everyone wants to be "Green" now.

  16. Good idea with offering cleaning supplies in addition to solar panels. This will be a nice way to keep customers coming back to your company
