Friday, July 13, 2012

Global Solar Panel Products and Service

Our newly founded company Global Solar Panel Products is focusing on creating a sustainable green environment with the maintenance of solar panels. We created products that clean solar panels and restore the effectiveness of the panel to harness the maximum amount of energy of the particular panel. These products will be tailored to the environment and location of the panel to achieve the best results possible. Not only do we sell the products that are needed for your solar panels, but we are also able to apply the products for you, no matter where the solar panels might be. There is no solar panel that is too big for us, whether it is commercial or residential we can take care of it.


  1. I find this to be a very good idea. Most people support clean energy. Although solar panels are expensive to purchase, they are also effective and trustworthy. I find it a good idea to provide both product and service. Can't wait to see how this works.
    Good luck!

  2. this is a cost saving and eco-friendly idea. People who support this idea may like the way of your business because you guys can install it wherever they want and how big or small they want. Also, you guys provide them with maintenance service which in my opinion is a very good way to attract loyal customers.

  3. I believe that is an interesting product to go for. I also personally support the "green energy". The most challenging matter you might encounter is how to change people's perception about benefits to which solar panel products provide. Let's go green.


  4. This is an excellent idea. I am a fan of a health, clean, and green environment. I see several buildings with solar panels on them and remember being told that that are very efficient but don't last forever. I feel that if a cleaning product/service is made to keep them to their utmost cleanliness they will guarantee a longer life expectancy, both saving money and the environment.

    I look forward to hearing about the product/service you have to offer! Sounds like a great plan!

  5. the Big challenge is influencing people to get it. Takes a lot of time and money I am assuming?

    1. Hi Nick,

      Actually, we aren't selling solar installations. Our products are for people that currently own a solar system, both home or commercial. The products are meant to clean the surface of your modules so that they may run at maximum efficiency. Imagine if you never washed your windshield, it would be very hard to see, right? Same concept here.

    2. Such a smart idea! You are using another company's success to create a need for your own business and it is ingenius!

  6. What an awesome idea! The sun is such a powerful source of energy, and it's free! Although it would be an expensive initial outlay, customers would save money in the long run. Maybe you could show a timeline of how long it would take to break even, and how much money customers would save after the break even point. Also, maybe you could incorporate cars into your research. There is such a demand for alternative forms of fuel, and I cannot think of a better solution than the sun!

  7. Looking forward to hearing about solar panels. I have friends who've invested in residential Solar markets and possibilities are endless. Good effort!

  8. Excellent! Now with our increase consumption in energy and the decreasing of scarce resources such as fossil oil, these solar energy technology would become an alternative way. Since the use of solar panels to generate power are environmentally friendly and the only thing you need is sun light, their market will only grow bigger and bigger. Keep it up, I'm looking forward to follow your updates.

  9. Great idea guys, many more people are beginning to go green and help out the environment as much as they can. This product should definitely have a high demand and the service u render them will definitely help this product be successful in the market.

  10. I agree with all the above comments, I think this is a great idea. I was just wondering, what is the current solar panel business environment like? Are there certain fundings and incentives from the government to install these panels?

    1. Hi John,

      Our product description may have been a little vague. We aren't selling solar installations. We sell cleaning products- like a Windex for solar panels. Cleaning the surface is like cleaning your windshield. A lot of dirt and dust can build up which will not allow the cells in the modules to generate current as efficiently as possible.

      But to answer your question, the business environment for solar panels is growing tremendously. There is funding for programs that provide free solar installations for low income houses. There are also leasing options if you don't want to pay a single penny.

  11. If marketed right, your idea could go far. Preserving the life of solar panels with effective, eco-friendly cleaning products will be in high demand for consumers. The solar energy industry is rapidly growing. Flour and First Solar are two companies that have steady solar energy projects. How would you market to prime contractors to get their business? Maybe if you provided a treatment to apply to the panels as they were installed more contractors would be willing to use your product. Contractors hate to go back and do anything for free, but if it is incorporated into the bid, I’m sure they would be more than willing to improve the efficiency of the panels.

    1. Hi Amanda,

      Our products are for sale to contractors, home owners, business owners- anyone that has modules to clean. Let's say you have Solar City do your solar home installation. They could apply our product onto your modules too. You as the home owner could also purchase our product so that you can clean once a month or as often as you'd like too.

  12. This is a good idea. You have a market that's established by another products rising popularity, this is a great idea for service maintenance in an area not a lot of people have their foot in

    1. Hi Mike,

      Thank you! That is exactly what we're aiming for- a market that's already established by another product's rising popularity.

  13. This sounds like a really interesting topic and I like how it revolves around the environment. I think you guys have a great concept and I look forward to seeing what you guys develop.

  14. I believe that this type of product would require more promotion to potential consumers. This product would fit into niche marketing, but for those who are not yet convinced to making the environment better, this could be tough. I look forward to knowing your target market and marketing strategies!

  15. I like your idea. You concentrate on the development of creating the "green energy" by producing the panels to get energy to use. It can protect the environment. I like it and I am looking forward to your plan.

  16. Great idea. As others have said before, marketing your product would require you to inform customers on the benefits. One benefit would be long term savings. I think most people only look at the initial price, but don't think about the future savings.

  17. I agree with you on the future savings of solar panels. I don't know if anybody mentioned but you can actually sell back the power that you do not use to a utility company such as Edison. I think the future will look great for these type of green energy since we are literally running out of oil.

  18. I love the idea. While Solar Panels are huge investments, they are in fact investments and not liabilities, they WILL pay off not only financially, but they pay dividends in terms of social responsibility. Good job!
